What a GREAT way to start 2013! It's a new year... and a new start!
One of my new year resolutions is to "be-a-better-blogger!"
My blogging friend, Susan, over at First Grade Friendly Frogs
has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award!
Thank you Susan!
Gotta' love the bloggy-friend encouragement!
a recipient, I must:
1. Post 11 random things about myself.
2. Answer 11 questions that the nominators ask of me.
3. Create 11 questions for the people I nominate.
4. Choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them to my post!
1. Post 11 random things about myself.
2. Answer 11 questions that the nominators ask of me.
3. Create 11 questions for the people I nominate.
4. Choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them to my post!
So here we go.... 11 Random things about me:
1. I live in Indiana.
2. I teach kindergarten at a private, Christian school.
3. Grilled cheese is my favorite food!
4. Chocolate shakes are my FAV beverage! (Starbucks White/Chocolate Mochas come in a close second!)
5. I used to be a Reading Recovery teacher.
6. My oldest children are twins (boy-girl)! :) :)
7. My youngest child was a twin too...and his twin is waiting in Heaven for us.
8. Every year my kiddos, niece, nephew and hubby spend New Year's Eve making crazy home movies! We are goofy....but fun!
9. I LOVE to dress up as crazy characters in my classroom to spice up learning themes!
10. I am a total kinder-blog addict!
11. I think I pay more monthly to TPT than I do my mortgage! (Ok.. I'm kidding... but I AM a total TPT-a-holic!)
Below are the GREAT Questions my
"nominator" asked me to answer!
REad on! Read On!
- What is your own education background? I earned my B.A. in Elementary Education from Purdue University, my M.S. in Elementary Education with a Reading Minor from Indiana University, and my Minister of Religion Colloquy Degree from Concordia University, Chicago. I also earned my Reading Recovery certification from Purdue University. Gotta love school!
- Do you shop on TPT? If so, what is your favorite product you have found on TPT? YES! Daily! I think I own everything DeeDee Wills has made! Love you DeeDee!
- Where are you from? Where do you live now? I am from a small town in Indiana...moved away for 10 years... and now am back home!
- How many students are in your class? What is the average class size in your district? I have 23 kinder-kids in my class in the morning and I add 6 pre-k "begin-dergarten" kids in the afternoon for a total of 29! The average size class in our school is 26ish.
- What is your favorite tool to use in the classroom? My HEART! Gotta let kiddos know you love them before they open their minds to you!!
- How do you handle "show and tell" in your classroom? We have Show-N-Tell every Fun-Friday. They are allowed to bring in items of their choice, however the style of presentation is varied each week.... complete sentences, questions, yes/no format, adjective focus, etc.
- Do you give "rewards" in your classroom? I have a treasure box for monthly homework and reading goals.
- How would you describe your classroom management style? I have a very organized classroom where procedures are key! However, it is a open, warm, inviting environment with lots of collaboration, conversation and exploration! I use a "stop-light" behavior management system, which my students are responsible for recording. Parents love it...and so do I!
- What grades have you taught? K, Reading Recovery, Literacy Coach/Specialist, Pre-K
- What's the last book you read for pleasure? Hunger Games Series
- What are your hobbies? Blogging... TPTing :) Hee!
I'm on the search for my Liebster Award nominees! If you are a newbie blogger, send me a comment! I LOVE checkin' out new BLOGS and passing on great sites to my followers!
Here is my growing list of the BEST new BLOGS! Check them out!
(Liebster Award Nominees... Be sure to list 11 random facts about yourself, and answer the same specific 11 questions as above!
Can't wait to learn more about you!)
1. Adventures of a Techy Teacher Blog Here is my growing list of the BEST new BLOGS! Check them out!
(Liebster Award Nominees... Be sure to list 11 random facts about yourself, and answer the same specific 11 questions as above!
Can't wait to learn more about you!)
2. Crayons and Whimsy Blog
3. Dancing in our Teacher Shoes
4. Fun in Second Grade
5. First Grade Fireworks
6. Fun in the Fours
7. Learning Out Loud
Thanks for the nomination, Holly! :) I liked reading your answers up above. Minister of religion - fascinating. Are you Lutheran by any chance? My step-dad was a Lutheran pastor for years before retiring :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the nomination!!! I am so honored. I loved learning more about you from your post. I laughed when I read your hobbies! I think that blogging has become most of ours lately. Dont you just love blogging!!! Happy New Year!!! Again, thanks for the nomination!
Hi Holly,
ReplyDeleteI admire your very first TPT product. I am new to the blogging world too and any advice would surely help! If you get a chance check out my blog at kindergartenmilestones@blogspot.com.
Thanks for the freebie. I love it!
Thanks Holly! I put your questions on my blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks, again! wendy