Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ten Frame Fun!

  After assessments last week, I noticed that my kinder-kiddos need a boost in the Common Core areas of "Operations and Algebraic Thinking."  Here is my answer to strengthen their skills!
Looking for simple, yet fun ways to teach and practice the Common Core Standards of Operations and Algebraic Thinking? Here they are! At your fingertips! This packet includes:

Large ten-frame flashcards
Small ten-frame flashcards
Ten-frame “2 minute timer” fluency center game
Whole class “2 minute timer” class challenge game
Ten-Frame “Write it 2 More Ways” activity (whole group, small group, or math station activity)
Ten-frame card games of “WAR” and “Go Fish”

This packet will help you cover the following Common Core State Standards:

K.OA.4.f. Represent the number that makes 10 when added to any given number 1-9 with an equation. (New)
K.OA.4.b. State the number that makes 10 when added to any given number 1-9 with objects. ( New)
K.OA.1.f. Represent addition and subtraction with verbal explanations and mental images.
K.OA.1.g. Represent addition and subtraction with expressions and equations.

(Click on any of the above pics to be linked to the TPT file!)
If you like what you see...please "Pin Me" on Pinterest!
How do you teach the Common Core Operations and Algebraic Thinking Standards?
I'd love to know! Send me a comment!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

More Penguin Postings!

Well... I grabbed my camera from school so I can show you a few of my other penguin activities!  
I began the afternoon with a "schema" chart.   I made a chart on a large piece of chart paper.  (Yep!  I forgot to take a picture of I re-created it with a drawing below.)
1. We charted what we already knew.... "Schema."   We discussed how it's fun to use fancy-grown up words sometimes since we are SO smart!   We wrote our schema ideas on post-it notes.  (You will see why in a moment!)
2. We read a non-fiction, fact filled penguin book.
3. We watched the penguin video from by post below.  (It's a GREAT one!)
4.  We charted "NEW LEARNING" and moved any post-it notes with incorrect facts to the "OOPS!" or "Misconception" area.
5.  We made these SUPER-CUTE and EASY-PEASY penguins in a step by step format.  Gotta love how they all have their own "personalities!"  (We ONLY made the penguins themselves on Friday.   On Tuesday during Writer's Workshop we will re-read our schema-chart and write our own non-fiction stories.   This picture is from last year so you can see the finished project!)  This writing idea came from the wonderfully talented Deanna Jump originally!  I changed it a bit...but if you are looking for additional penguin activities, check out her TPT store!


6. After our penguin art activity, we had a penguin snack!  Yum!   We made OCEAN ICEBERG FLOATS (blue Hawaiian Punch with scoops of vanilla ice cream) and Goldfish crackers.   Did I mention that we put the Goldfish crackers on a napkin and the kiddos had to eat them like penguins....with no hands or fingers!   Take a peek!

7. We ended the afternoon with a Penguin Egg Relay Race!   We plopped a penguin egg on our feet and did a relay race in the gym.  The kiddos had to pass the egg to their teammates. It didn't take long for the kiddos to realize what a tough job it is to be a penguin parent!
That was it for our "Fun Friday!"    Do you do a penguin unit??   If so, please leave a comment and share what YOU do!  Sharing ideas is the BEST!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Penguins! Penguins!

Happy Friday!  Boy, do I mean that! 
This week seemed incredibly L----O----N----G.   On top of little kinder-cherubs were unsusually "spirited" today.  (I'm sure you know what I mean!)  I'm telling you... I came home, sat down for "a second" (which I sincerely RARELY do).... and 15 minutes later found myself WAKING UP to a ringing phone!  Ugh!  I am one tired bunny tonight!  However, before I hit the sack... I wanted to take a minute to share some of today's "Fun Friday" events with you!   Today's "Fun Friday" theme was PENGUINS.   Gotta love those waddle-y little guys! (DARN! I just realized I left my camera at I'm going to have to post most of my penguin activities tomorrow after I go in and grab it... but I can share a few gems with ya now.)

If you do a penguin themed study in your classroom, you HAVE to show this little video to your kiddos.  It's CHOCK-FULL of great information about penguins.  Super engaging for little ones... and incredibly cute!  (Oh and it's only a few minutes long so it holds their attention well!)

Source: via Mrs. on Pinterest
Birth and March of Emperor Penguins by FantasticAnimal on YouTube

Also... I needed a "math enrichment" activity so I whipped up this little gem.   If you think you may be able to use this in your classroom, check out the preview.  It's a peek at the full file. 
Click on the image to go to my TPT store!
Well... I guess I'll stop there for tonight.  I will post more pics and details tomorrow after I get my camera!   Have a great night!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Busy with Bulletin Boards!

I spent some time this week working on getting up some new bulletin boards.  Thought I'd share them with you!  The first one is my favorite! 
"Kindergarten is SNOW Much Fun!" 
Here are a few close ups so you can see it better!
That's me at the top of the hill!
This is my "partner in crime" and co-teacher
Mrs. Kidd!  She's the best!
Making this bulletin board was as fun as it looks!   I simply brought in two sleds from home and we had the kiddos, dressed in full winter weather attire, sit on the sleds and pose with crazy faces, etc.    We did this all INSIDE!   We propped the back of the sleds up on a box sometimes to encourage the kids to lean like they were really sledding.   They had a ball "pretending!  Then, I simply sent the pictures to be developed and I cut out the body shapes to get rid of the classroom background. 
Super Fun! 
You could even do this if you live in a warm climate with no snow! 
It might even be better there!
This is the "other" bulletin board I just posted.   This board is a "whole school" bulletin board.   Each teacher is assigned a month to decorate the board.   The idea is to do something that includes or appeals to every class in the school.   My school is K-8th grade.   As you might guess from the board, we are are a Christian school.   (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that aspect of my job!)
I don't LOVE how the overall board turned out...but it's OK. (I honest...the title display is lacking...and small-ish, but I was too tired to re-do it!) I DID like some of the specific elements of the board, so I thought I'd share!   I think you'll really like the snowflake creation idea.  Take a look at the close-up!
Awesome, huh?  I made a personalized snowflake for each class.  
And let me tell ya.... It's EASY-PEASY!
Simply go to and hit the "CREATE" tab.   You can choose from dozens of shapes, colors, etc.  You simply enter the words you want to fill in the shape cloud...and WAH-LA! 
And... it's FREE!!!  Woo-Hoo!
Imagine the possibilities!
Here is a close up of the snowman. 
I just cut out some basic shapes from construction paper, outlined them (in a pattern) with a Sharpie... and it looks ok.
Anyone else out there have a good bulletin board idea to share with us?? 
Send me a comment and/or a pic...and we'll all share! 
Love those "Kindergarten Connections!"
Oh!  If you like any of these ideas,  "Pin Me!" on Pinterest! 
It's a great way to grow our blogs!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Subtraction Smiles!

If you are like me, you know February is just around the corner... and you may be thinking ahead about fun-filled February learning themes.   Almost every "kinder-teacher" I know does a unit on dental health!   Yep!  It's the time of year to call your dentist and invite him/her into your classroom.  
Well, this year... add a little more "TOOTH-A-RIFFIC" fun to your classroom with this new activity I just finished!  Check it out!   I hope you LOVE it!
This adorable, dental-themed resource will provide your students with fun-filled formats to practice their subtraction facts from ten!

This packet includes “color-me-cards” on which students shade in the number of teeth that need to be subtracted from the smile. (Dry-erase markers work perfect, when laminated!) Students then count how many white teeth are remaining to solve the matching subtraction sentence. Answers can be written on the laminated cards so they can be wiped off and re-used!  Also included are corresponding super-cute worksheets on which students can record their answers for accountability. This makes a GREAT math station resource!  (All materials are provided in both full color and black–and-white for your printing preferences!)
Click on any of the images above to check out "Subtraction Smiles!"
Be sure and let me know what you think!  And be HONEST!
One can only get better if they receive honest feedback!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

TPT Freebie... From Me!

I'm super excited to share my first TPT freebie product with you!  
Take a peek....

If you like what you see, simply click on any of the above images
to go to my TPT store!
Keep checking back for more great, fun freebies!
Although this is my first PUBLISHED product, I have been working on several other HUGE, HUGE projects that I'm SOOO excited to get done!   However, these projects are going to take a while... so to keep my self "positive" I am taking breaks by cracking out some fun, freebies! 
Thanks for your support!  Love my bloggin' buddies!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lovin' the Liebster Award!

What a GREAT way to start 2013!  It's a new year... and a new start!  
One of my new year resolutions is to "be-a-better-blogger!"   
My blogging friend, Susan, over at First Grade Friendly Frogs
has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award!  
Thank you Susan!  
Gotta' love the bloggy-friend encouragement!

As a recipient, I must:
1. Post 11 random things about myself.
2. Answer 11 questions that the nominators ask of me.
3. Create 11 questions for the people I nominate.
4. Choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them to my post!

So here we go.... 11 Random things about me:

1. I live in Indiana.
2. I teach kindergarten at a private, Christian school.
3. Grilled cheese is my favorite food!
4.  Chocolate shakes are my FAV beverage! (Starbucks White/Chocolate Mochas come in a close second!)
5.  I used to be a Reading Recovery teacher.
6.  My oldest children are twins (boy-girl)!  :)   :)  
7.  My youngest child was a twin too...and his twin is waiting in Heaven for us.
8.  Every year my kiddos, niece, nephew and hubby spend New Year's Eve making crazy home movies!  We are goofy....but fun!
9.  I LOVE to dress up as crazy characters in my classroom to spice up learning themes!
10.  I am a total kinder-blog addict!  
11.  I think I pay more monthly to TPT than I do my mortgage!   (Ok.. I'm kidding... but I AM a total TPT-a-holic!)

Below are the GREAT Questions my
"nominator" asked me to answer! 
REad on!  Read On! 
  1. What is your own education background?   I earned my B.A. in Elementary Education from Purdue University, my M.S. in Elementary Education with a Reading Minor from Indiana University, and my Minister of Religion Colloquy Degree from Concordia University, Chicago.  I also earned my Reading Recovery certification from Purdue University.   Gotta love school!
  2. Do you shop on TPT? If so, what is your favorite product you have found on TPT?   YES!  Daily!  I think I own everything DeeDee Wills has made!   Love you DeeDee!
  3. Where are you from? Where do you live now?   I am from a small town in Indiana...moved away for 10 years... and now am back home!
  4. How many students are in your class? What is the average class size in your district?   I have 23 kinder-kids in my class in the morning and I add 6 pre-k "begin-dergarten" kids in the afternoon for a total of 29!  The average size class in our school is 26ish.
  5. What is your favorite tool to use in the classroom?   My HEART!  Gotta let kiddos know you love them before they open their minds to you!!
  6. How do you handle "show and tell" in your classroom?  We have Show-N-Tell every Fun-Friday.  They are allowed to bring in items of their choice, however the style of presentation is varied each week.... complete sentences, questions, yes/no format, adjective focus, etc.
  7. Do you give "rewards" in your classroom?  I have a treasure box for monthly homework and reading goals.
  8. How would you describe your classroom management style? I have a very organized classroom where procedures are key!  However, it is a open, warm, inviting environment with lots of collaboration, conversation and exploration! I use a "stop-light" behavior management system, which my students are responsible for recording.  Parents love it...and so do I!
  9. What grades have you taught? K, Reading Recovery, Literacy Coach/Specialist, Pre-K
  10. What's the last book you read for pleasure?  Hunger Games Series
  11. What are your hobbies?  Blogging... TPTing     :) Hee!

I'm on the search for my Liebster Award nominees!   If you are a newbie blogger, send me a comment!   I LOVE checkin' out new BLOGS and passing on great sites to my followers!

Here is my growing list of the BEST new BLOGS!  Check them out! 
(Liebster Award Nominees... Be sure to list 11 random facts about yourself, and answer the same specific 11 questions as above! 
Can't wait to learn more about you!)

1. Adventures of a Techy Teacher Blog
2. Crayons and Whimsy Blog
3. Dancing in our Teacher Shoes
4. Fun in Second Grade
5. First Grade Fireworks
6. Fun in the Fours
7. Learning Out Loud