I don't know about you.... but the reason I started
following blogs was because I needed the support and inspiration of other
like-minded educators. After being a
"follower" for a while... I decided to create my own blog, not
because I felt like I had an over-abundance of knowledge to impart on the
teacher-world myself, but instead because I wanted to share the awesome
resources I found in various other places with other educators who were looking
to better themselves... and maybe share a few of my own ideas. THIS
is why I love blogging and my blogging friends. I love sharing ideas, support, &
encouragement with other teachers who are truly striving to be the best
teachers they can be... FOR THE KIDS! I love how my blogging friends challenge
me. I love how we are there for each
other to ask the hard questions... to hold each other accountable for teaching
using "best practices"...to help each other stay focused on our
of our abilities.
So in that very spirit of collaboration, several of my
blogging friends and I have decided to challenge ourselves to reflect upon our
teaching methods, as we work through a new book study together in order to ensure
that we are teaching according to "best practices."
you join us???
Under the great blogging leadership of Elizabeth Hall of www.kickinitinkindergarten.com, we will be starting February 28th! We are going to be hosting a linky party each Tuesday and Saturday with chapters from this book:
{I found a copy at my local library! It is also available on Kindle for a few bucks less that the print version!}
Linky parties will take place on these different blogs each time.
Here is the order so you can plan accordingly

Kickin it in Kindergarten- Chapters 1 & 2 (February 28th)
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten- Chapter 3 (March 7th)
Queen of the First Grade Jungle Chapter 4 (March 10th)
Fabulous in First Chapter 5 (March 14th)
One Extra Degree Chapter 6 (March 17th)
Mrs. Jump’s Class Chapter 7 (March 28th)
In April, you will be visiting these girls for the remainder of the study:
Mrs. Ehle’s Kindergarten Chapter 9 &10 (April 4th)
What The Teacher Wants Chapter 11 (April 7th)
First Grader At Last Chapter 12 (April 11th)
Erica’s Ed Ventures Chapter 13 (April 14th)
KinderGals Chapter 14 &15 (April 18th)
A Rocky Top Teacher Chapter 16 (April 21st)
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten Chapter 17 (April 25th)
Little Warriors Chapter 18 (April 28th)
Falling Into First Chapter 19 (May 2nd)
You can join in for whatever part you like! If you are not a blogger, that is OK! We will want you to join in on the fun. You can participate in the conversation in the comments. We want this to be a positive collaboration between teachers! The whole point is to encourage each other with inspiring ideas while still using research based best practice.
We hope you will join! Here is a YouTube video where you can hear a little more about what the book is about.