Tuesday, January 7, 2014

RTI: Letter Confusion Investigations

Do you have kiddos who confuse visually similar letters?  You know, the kiddos that say “b” for “d”…. or “u” for “n.”   Well, I’m happy to tell you that I’ve taken some of my ‘reading specialist’ knowledge and whipped up a little packet that will help those students work out their letter confusions!  

Here’s the science behind WHY the resources in this packet WILL work…

...And the best part is that I have created this packet to be prep-free!  Just print and go!   Included in this packet are suggestions on how to use these resources in your whole group, small group, or individualized instruction.   Oh...And I have provided a simple RTI documentation form for your use too!  Check it out by clicking HERE or on the packet pic at the top of this post!  Hope someone out there can find this helpful!   This method has never failed me!  It's a simple, easy way to strengthen your kiddos visual discrimination skills and teach them "how to" attend to the visual details which they need in order to work out their letter confusions!

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is good, very good! So wonderful that it is prep-free! On my way to TPT this afternoon, and I'll have to add this to my cart.
