September 11th is a day I will never forget.
It is also a day that I feel like the upcoming generation should learn to honor.
If you agree, I hope you find something useful in this "THROW BACK THURSDAY" post.
SPECIAL NOTE: The primary source for many of the activities below was one created by the wonderful and talented Deanna Jump. She has since updated her unit. The details of this incredible resource can be found below:
{Click on image above to visit link!}
It is a MUST HAVE!
Not only is it wonderful for Patriots' Day...but you can also use it for President's Day!
{Originally posted 2014}
{Originally posted 2014}
Every year as September 11th {also
known as Patriot Day} approaches, I find myself pondering how I can appropriately
honor the date as a teacher of young children. The tragedy that occurred
on September 11th, 2001, is something that is beyond the comprehension of a 5
year-old brain...yet as a teacher, I feel that it's important to somehow
"teach" or honor the date in a special way. I knew I could not
spend the day recounting the graphic details of the tragic events of that
day. {It's obviously MUCH too much for a little person!} However, I felt
that I could honor the lives lost, the firefighters, police officers, and
countless other brave heroes of that day by teaching my students about the
incredible country in which we live.
I have been collecting my thoughts and ideas and have been working
to develop a plan for next week. Initially, I was planning to blog about this AFTER I taught
about it...but the more I thought about it, I realized it may be MORE helpful
to others, perhaps to YOU, if I shared my ideas BEFORE the date
too! That way, if any of YOU are looking for ideas to honor the date... perhaps
you can find some ideas/resources here.
To get started, I began by looking at my kindergarten social
studies standards. I teach in Indiana, so I am responsible for teaching
the following social studies standard that I knew would be a perfect fit for
next week's lessons:
Students learn that they are citizens of their school, community
and the United States; identify symbols of the nation.
Foundations of Government
K.2.2 Identify and explain that the President of the United States
is the leader of our country and that the American flag is a symbol of the
United States.
I don’t have my lesson plans finalized yet…but I do have a
collection of nice resources that I can share with you! Here is a glimpse of what I have planned so
far! {Hope you can use some of these ideas and resources!}
the Stage 2 Engage!"
My dear friend, Hope King (Elementary Shenanigans), wrote an INCREDIBLE ebook called "Set the Stage 2 Engage"
this summer highlighting the importance of setting up your classroom
(environment, atmosphere. etc) in order to ensure maximum student engagement.
{She also taught an EPIC session at the SDE Vegas conference on this,
which blew me away!!!} So, I knew my next step was figuring out a way to
"flip" our regular classroom environment into something that would be
theme related and GRAB the attention of my kiddos the second they walk in
the door. My goal is to have them turn the corner in our hall and say, "WOW!
What are we doing today?! It's got to be something GREAT!" The theme
of "Patriot Day" wasn't quite as easy to brainstorm decorations for
as last week's SUPERHERO Day (Click HERE to view our "flipped" SUPERHERO classroom!)...but I
knew I could do something cool and attention getting! So, I did some
bargain hunting and found some of these goodies:

Plastic table covers/backdrops are inexpensive and go A LONG WAY in decorating the walls of your classroom and hall! Be creative!!!
Dollar Store/Craft Store two sided stars can be used on windows,
walls and as hanging decorations for just a few bucks!
Bulletin board paper from your supply closet can be used to make
just about ANYTHING! I made some three-foot USA letters out of poster
board (similar to the ones above) and plan to put them in my classroom windows
too. I'm also picturing a GIANT flag like this...
OH! And if you know me, a
theme day is NEVER complete without a fun costume!
I will be wearing this
striking suit:
{YES! It IS a boy’s youth
costume…but it was CHEAPER! Hey! I’m a
bargain hunter!}
And my side-kick, Mrs. Kidd, will be sportin' this beauty:
{Oh yah. We rock the costumes! You'll have to wait
'til next weekend to see our actual-factual photos! And
yes..."Someone" might have a specific portion of her TPT earnings
earmarked to purchase crazy costumes. #iamnotcrazy #iamENGAGING }
Be sure to stop by my blog NEXT weekend to actually SEE what it
all ended up looking like!
Patriotic Resources!
Well, I KNOW y'all already know how incredibly EPIC the
legendary Mrs. Deanna Jump is! {And if you don't...go ahead and climb on out from under that
rock! #JK}
But seriously, if there happens to be anyone who doesn't know
about this sweet, southern inspiration...check her out by clicking HERE...RIGHT NOW! DO NOT DELAY! {Poof!
Instant inspiration for any K teacher! #thankmelater} Of course,
Deanna had the PERFECT resource for scaffolding my plans... and here it is:
Using this baby, and a few other resources that I will list at the
end of this post, my plans are coming together in an EPICALLY AMERICAN way!
Here are some highlights of my planned activities:
In an age-appropriate way, I am going to talk to the kiddos about
why September 11th is an important day in our country. I plan to use this PowerPoint presentation
as part of my introduction. It is great
for young children…not “too” many details.
Then I am planning to share how we can honor this day by thinking
about and being thankful for our great country and the community heroes that
serve and protect us.
I plan to highlight how important it is to recognize and show appreciation
for our service men and women and community heroes. Here are a few resources that I plan to use!
This is a nice little freebie which includes lots of neat coloring
pages about American heroes. LOVE the “Not
all superheroes wear capes” page!
Perfect 9/11 connection!
Check out this FREEBIE by the awesome Eric Bohrer! It includes both writing and picture
templates for making thank-you notes for our community heroes!
Then I plan to connect to our social studies learning standards
and teach about the American symbols.
This video is an excellent mini-movie which tells all about
the American Symbols. Check it out!
Here are a few of the EPICALLY AMERICAN activities that I plan to
use too…
Statue of Liberty Activities
1. “Why is
the Statue of Liberty Green” Science Experiment {Deanna Jump’s America Math and Literacy Fun Unit}
2. “Is our
class as long as the Statue of Liberty’s feet” math and measuring
activity. LOOKS like so much fun…AND
will make an awesome visual display outside your classroom! {Deanna Jump’s America Math and Literacy Fun Unit}
3. Directed
drawing activity of the Statue of Liberty {Deanna Jump’s America Math and Literacy Fun Unit} These turn out sooo
cute! Check out just one example!
Bald Eagle Activities
1. Bald Eagle Craft-ivity and Info Chart Activity {Deanna Jump’s American Math and Literacy Fun Unit}
2. Bald Eagle Cams (Watch 5 bald eagle cams hosted by National Geographic!)
1. Bald Eagle Craft-ivity and Info Chart Activity {Deanna Jump’s American Math and Literacy Fun Unit}
2. Bald Eagle Cams (Watch 5 bald eagle cams hosted by National Geographic!)
Here are some other great activities that I plan to use to review
all the things we learned about American Symbols:
2. Make and
read an American Symbols emergent reader. {Deanna Jump’s America Math and Literacy Fun Unit}
4. How about
playing a "Four Corners" type of P.E. game…but use American symbol
posters in each corner for your “calling spots??” Sounds fun!
And what thematic study would be complete without a yummy snack?? I’m thinking about trying one of these…
I’m looking forward to making 9/11 {Patriot Day} a
special and meaningful day for my kinders.
If you do something special to honor this day, please share it with us
in the comments below!
{A few pics of our decor.}

Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam (me!)
I know you LOVE my pants! LOL
Next came our science experiment! Why is the Statue of Liberty green you ask? It IS made of copper, after all. Check out the AMERICA unit link at the end of this post for experiment details!
{It MAY have been a little stinky!}
Just how BIG is Lady Liberty?? I made a visual of exactly how LONG her foot is. We made predictions on it's length before we saw and measured it. Can you believe that 25 kinder-kiddos and one teacher EXACTLY equal the length of the statue's foot?!
{I just LOVED painting those toenails green!}
We had a great week!
I feel felt especially blessed this week to be teaching in a Christian school where I could specifically teach my students that God seeks to bring good things from even the worst situations.
9/11 was a terrible tragedy...
But from it we learned what TRUE HEROES really are.
We came together as communities...and as a nation.
We were reminded to appreciate our freedoms and cherish our loved ones.
May God bless America.
{Follow up post from 2014}
week, my friends!
Last weekend I posted some great resources for honoring
9/11 and celebrating this great country in which we live. {Click HERE
to see that post and all of the “planning” details.} I had a few requests to post some pictures of
how things turned out…. So here ya’ go!
Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam (me!)
I know you LOVE my pants! LOL
A HUGE shout out to my friend, Deanna Jump, for sharing so many of her GREAT patriotic ideas with me! Check out some of them in the pics below!!
Want more details?? Click HERE to see her AMERICA unit.
Some pics from our directed drawing activity.
Check out some of my kinder-kiddos creations!
Seriously, INCREDIBLE!!!
Next came our science experiment! Why is the Statue of Liberty green you ask? It IS made of copper, after all. Check out the AMERICA unit link at the end of this post for experiment details!
{It MAY have been a little stinky!}
Just how BIG is Lady Liberty?? I made a visual of exactly how LONG her foot is. We made predictions on it's length before we saw and measured it. Can you believe that 25 kinder-kiddos and one teacher EXACTLY equal the length of the statue's foot?!
{I just LOVED painting those toenails green!}
We also wrote letters to our local police officers and firefighters, thanking them for their service.
We are so blessed to have brave men and women who are willing to risk their lives to protect us.
Thank you, Erica Bohrer, for these awesome templates!
We had a great week!
I feel felt especially blessed this week to be teaching in a Christian school where I could specifically teach my students that God seeks to bring good things from even the worst situations.
9/11 was a terrible tragedy...
But from it we learned what TRUE HEROES really are.
We came together as communities...and as a nation.
We were reminded to appreciate our freedoms and cherish our loved ones.
May God bless America.