Is it just me... or is this month literally FLYING right by? It's like day after day it's just slipping away from me! Like most of you (I'm sure)... I've been ULTRA busy for the past several weeks! YES... on school "stuff".... but also with family and my own personal kiddo's schedules! Three kiddos, in three different sports, in three different areas of town, school musical, talent show, and on and on! But what a blessing all of this craziness is! We are healthy...happy...and yes, BUSY!
I have SO many kinder-goodies to share with ya'll! Where shall I start??? Ok... Let's stick with the "flying" theme! My kinder-kids and I studied insects this month. Of course, we raised our own butterflies! Here are a few pics of our little buddies!
Getting BIGGER... and BIGGER!
Climbing to top and getting ready to form chrysalis!
The butterflies emerge!
Release Day!
Fly little friends, fly!
Of course... "Dr. Science," our crazy-mad scientist friend, wildly broke into our classroom with butterfly net in hand, running, jumping and swiping the net around. (We always like to totally surprise the kiddos with visits from Dr. Science. They LOVE it!) Dr. Science taught us about the life cycle of a butterfly (see the powerpoint resource below), butterfly body parts (everyone loves a proboscis!), and of course we reviewed all of this new learning with an educational snack! Super Yumsters!
Don't 'cha just LOVE this idea! Super simple too!
Eggs = Marshmallows
Caterpillars = Gummi Worms
Chrysalis = Tootsie Roll
Butterflies = I placed 2 regular small pretzels together on top of a small section of a Hersey Bar, piled them with chocolate chips...then microwaved them 'til the chocolate melted (on waxed paper so it won't stick!) then I popped on a few colored M&Ms for added butterfly-beauty!
So fun! We also raised ladybugs. Here are a few pics of their life cycle from the lens of my classroom cam! The kids had no idea that ladybug babies did not look like the typical red and black spotted friends they know and love!
We also inherited a praying mantis egg sack. Anyone out there have experience with this? So far we have not seen any changes in our egg sack. We keep hoping that some mantis-babes will arrive someday!
By my fabulous friend, Kathleen, at GrowingKinders TPT store!

Great little resource by Little Bird Kindergarten

I used this little gem when "Dr. Science" came in and taught the kiddos about the life cycle of a butterfly! Dr. Science rapped out this powerpoint song while it played on the SmartBoard! Check out JK Kindergarten Curriculum on TPT or click on the pic link above.

This little gem is by DeeDee Wills. If you do math work stations, her resources are a MUST! Seriously. This woman saves me hours and hours every month! I could not create better math station materials. Decompostion of numbers, telling time, counting money.... My kiddos are ON TOP of their mathematical "game" thanks to DeeDee.... Woot! Woot!

Oh that darling Alessia Albanese is my "go-to" Write-the-Room resource! Why re-invent the wheel, people? The kiddos LOVE this station every week....and Alessia has resources for just about every theme you can imagine!
That's all for tonight friends! Gotta "fly!
Have a blessed weekend!